Wednesday, September 3, 2008

She's walking!!

I have fun news... I think A-N is finally walking all by herself! This morning was the 1st day of a new Bible study that I'm leading with the women on our street. Another girl (and I, of course) have a child not yet in preschool so I felt that I needed to provide childcare. So I have one of my sweet friends, Emily Morgan (who has her own 6-month old little cutie) come and keep the kids while we do Bible study. I was just telling Emily that A-N still won't let go of my finger and walk, but I know she can do it. Well, after the study was over (It went really well, by the way), Emily said A-N walked across the room, all by herself, to the window to see Belle, Bonz, and Bentley playing outside. What?? Are you sure you didn't help her?! Of course she didn't walk for me the rest of the day! But when David came home from work... While she was on the floor playing, all of a sudden, she stood up, walked to the couch, got the remote from David and brought it to me, sitting a few feet away!!! So tonight, she got to stay up extra late just so we could watch her walk, taking the remote and Daddy's cell phone from one of us and giving it to the other!! Victory!! I know what you're thinking... I'm gonna soon miss those days of her being a little more contained! Now if we could only get her to talk!! I forgot to tell you though, on Sunday, her SS teacher, Miss Ann, told us that she said, "cracker" during Sunday School when she wanted one! One proud Mama here!!

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