Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm a terrible blogger lately!

But I have an excuse... I have been SO sick with this pregnancy. The entire months of Jan and Feb were a wash for me. I was sick all day long... By the way, you know you're a grown up when you throw up, and you're home all alone- no one to feel sorry for you or hold your hair back! (except you're little precious toddler who is sitting in her Tinkerbell chair laughing histerically at you, as if you're making all that commotion purely for her enjoyment!). But then the month of March came... and I decided to stop taking my prenatals, and it was like magic... I was healed! So I called my dr and told the nurse that I was done with vitamins. She told me just to take Flintstones, and that's what I'm doing. And I'm finally enjoying life again! I have some pictures from the last couple of months... I'll get them on the blog later this week. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Lissa H said...

Poor Becky! I had that problem with prenatals the first time too and had to switch to Flintsones. We actually had snow this past weekend! And more to come this week. It's crazy, this weather up here. I hope to find out this weekn if I'm preggers or not yet. I really hope things are doing good for you guys! A-N has gotten to big!! Matthew will be two in a week.