Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Brooklyn Grace

She's beautiful if I do say so myself!!! Here are some new pics of the girls... these were taken when Bebe Grace (as we call her) was 2 1/2 wks old. The labor was incredibly easy... I went in, hopped in bed, got the epidural, and then they broke my water, etc... so that meant I felt no pain ever!!! The guy giving me the epidural asked, after it was in, "How's your comfort level?" And I said, "Well, see, I was good before you gave it to me, and I"m still good!" I don't think he knew we were being induced quickly before my doctor got off his rounds!! haha!! In fact, if I could skip the actual 9 or 10 months of the being pregnant part, I'd have a house full of kids!! I love the hospital part, being waited on hand and foot, etc!! haha! But she's doing great. She's sleeping really well which helps! And spoiled already... she already has David wrapped!! We are soooo enjoying this newborn. (if you know us well, we didn't enjoy A-N's baby phase even though she was incredibly easy too. Speaking of A-N, we're potty-training! Pray for us!! It's going pretty well... but when will it be over?!!! Enjoy the pics...oh, Bebe Grace weighed 7 lbs 9 oz, and was about 19 in long.

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